Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's Yak Again!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...whenever you are reading my first post *ahem* after 'disappearing' for almost 2 good years!
I finally decided to pick up where I left yakking 2 years ago...due to sheer determination (I really need this due to mere laziness, carelessness, and just-don't-feel-like-continuing attitude) :p
Well, I always wanted to do up my own banner and don't look down on me, I've finally made it! Thanks to GIMP! -->I still don't know what's the full name for this but it's Photoshop-like. No, I really don't know coz I'm a Photoshop genre dummy! I am yakking the middle of the night..still feeling GOOD for being able to post my FACE on the banner!
Thanks to WeiniJ for the lovely capture :D

Till then, let's wait for my next eagerly awaited post! (ahem!)

1 comment:

weinij said...

finally! woohoo :p